Wednesday 25 June 2014

Second day of meditation

meditation quotesRome was not built in a day and so as meditation power. Today I started meditation with a new energy but soon realized that I had to go a long way before reaching to a desired state. Start was good, but after some time thoughts start roaming like wild horses and I was trying to catch one but failed.  After a bit I realized what I was doing and I let them flowing. Soon, I gave up my patience and started to control thoughts and that is when I lost my focus. Rest of the time was useless as I was unable to focus on anything.  I finally ended my session and began to do different thing.  Here are positive and negative of the today’s session –
I was able to concentrate for a bit longer time (compared to last session)
I was calm throughout the session
My back was in less pain compared to last day
I do not find problem closing my eyes for entire session
These were some positive things happened in today’s session

 I lost focus due to thoughts
I was chasing thoughts and I was not able to concentrate on other thing.
 I was distracted by thoughts. 
In last phase, I hurried to end the session.
 Hope I will not repeat the mistake and I can concentrate for more time in next session.  If you have, any query mail me at – . If you want to read about meditation method, I adopted please click here